Hi all,
I have used the jquery js prototype recently, it has lots of more usage than our prototype.js. Easy to code using jQuery.js.
But in my rails application i have used both prototype.js & jquery.js. In this situation the $ gets conflict. To avoid conflict, use the line of code
First include prototype.js, then add jQuery.js after that you must add this line to avoid ($)conflict
Once you done this, you can enjoy the usage of both prototype.js & jQuery.js.
i.e., both $ and $j is available to access.
$('id_of_dom_elemnt') => returns (prototype)object of the html element
$j('#id_of_dom_element') => return (jquery)object of the html element
In jQuery, we have to add '#' symbol with id of dom element to find the element.
Enjoy coding with jQuery...